

We at DyslexiChef have a vision for a better future; one where the written word is as easily accessible to people with dyslexia as it is to the rest of the population.


Kia Ora! Our DyslexiChef team consists of five Western Springs College students looking to improve the lives of people with dyslexia by alleviating some of the struggles they face.


Our primary objective is to provide dyslexic people with recipe cards that are designed to be easily understood, in order to maximise the convenience and accessibility of the task of cooking.


We started with an idea; a want to improve lives; and now we're making it a reality. Here are personal testimonies from the members of our team with dyslexia:
Jasper: "I have always enjoyed cooking, even from a young age, but with dyslexia it has always been a bit of a challenge to follow a recipe. This is one of the main reasons my business group has decided to make a product of this sort; we're doing this to help people of all ages with dyslexia get in the kitchen and cook as much as they want. One of the differences between our cookbook and others is the specialised font we use that helps people with dyslexia read and not lose their spot on the page. Another difference is that each instruction has a mildly detailed picture that goes along with it to help comprehension of the instructions. Our goal with the pictures is to have the recipe mostly doable without reading the instructions over and over again. I believe that DyslexiChef will enhance my efficiency in the kitchen because it provides intuitive visual aids and organisation tools that cater specifically to my dyslexia, which allows me to navigate recipes and cooking processes with greater ease and accuracy." Leo: "I always enjoyed cooking, but it was always hard to follow the old style of cookbooks. So, I had an idea: what if the recipes were easy to read and follow? That is how I came up with the idea for DyslexiChef, and the recipe card designs. With this design, it will be easier to follow, and for me, I will be able to cook whatever I want whenever I want to, and I want to share that with everyone."

15% Donation to the Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand

We will be donating 15% of our profit to the Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand, as their values endeavours directly align with the change we want to effectuate as a business. With your support, our product, and most importantly our drive to aid people with dyslexia, we believe we can be of real benefit to dyslexic individuals across New Zealand.


We'd love to see you in person at the Grey Lynn Farmer's Markets!
510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021
Every Sunday: 8:30a.m. to 12p.m.